Apr 4, 2011

Naples - Lyla Takes Her First Photograph

Three years ago I took these images on Juno Beach and they have become very popular at the art festivals, especially since I arranged them as a triptic this last year. Well, since this triptic is only a limited edition of 100, and will be closing the edition soon, I am going to attempt to capture some new large panoramics similar to these before I run out.  With family staying within walking distance to the beach in Naples, what better place to tackle this endeavor.

We have two weekends of sunrises and sunsets to capture images and a bunch of time in between to catch up with family on the beach! Off we go.

One problem though Lyla...I forgot your backpack so you are going to learn how to walk for this adventure!

Day one sunset was pretty uneventful as far as dramatic skies go. but we enjoyed a picnic and family

leaving footprints on the shoreline...

Watching the sun drop into the ocean...

As for me...I came up empty for landscape images but captured some great shots for memories!

DAY 2 - The Sunset I was hoping for

Without a sunrise over the ocean on the west coast of Florida I decided to leave the camera aside for the morning and head out on the boat for some fishing. Lyla is now 13 months old and watching her grow and learning her likes and interests form is so exciting to see.  And I am excited to see that Lyla has the same passion for the outdoors that both me and Nicky have.

So Lyla spent the morning with Nana, mommy and Aunt Nat and Aunt Diane

at the beach...

and at the pool

but...we have to make sure that Lyla has a good nap so that she is ready for the beach-sunset-pizza party-photo hunt.

OK...three hours later, I am getting anxious and Lyla is up and ready again for the beach

nice bed head by the way Lyla!

and it looks like it is setting up to be a great sky for the sunset.

 While Lyla spent time exploring with Aunt Nat...
and practicing steps with mommy and Aunt Nat...

I wandered off with my camera and captured this seascape landscape

Well, another great day on the beach and a great sunset shot - success!

DAY 3 - Lyla and sunflowers

Well Lyla woke up at 8:00 and of course Lyla grabbed my hand and pulled me outside to explore before breakfast

the morning sun made for great portraits of Lyla

and this sunflower that Lyla was drawn to...

In review I captured a couple seascape images...but no sea shell macro shots yet....I have my work cut out for me next weekend.

DAY 4 - Back for the shells

Well, we made it through another work week and back to Naples...this time with a mission to capture the sea shell macro images.

I wasn't sure if sunrise or sunset would be best to capture the images, so we started with sunrise.

Well, the sun was right and more importantly the tide was high and was breaking on the shell line.  Time to get wet and sandy!
With a little precise placement of shells from Lyla...
and a little sand in the hair for good luck...

I was able to capture this panoramic shot

I like the shot but I do not love it. I think the evening sun will work more to my favor.

but for now Lyla can enjoy the beach
We walked the beach and collected some spiral shells that I never saw before that I thought would be a perfect element in the shot I am looking for.

After a raisin picnic in the tent, Lyla let us know that it was time to head home for a nap to get ready for the big afternoon shoot.

So back to the apartment for a nap - then dinner with Nana and Gpa

And back to the beach

Lyla spotted some birds as soon as we got on the beach, so off she went
But I'm not sure that she realizes...

So Lyla decided to stay closer to mommy for a while

6:30pm and the sunlight is perfect, so back in the sand and water.  It is a challenge to keep sand off the camera, especially working with Lyla who is still exploring the joy of sand
The tide was low so the water was below the shell line on the beach...so we took our shells that we collected in Lyla's bucket and dumped them on the water's edge

The position of the sun in the sky was perfect for casting a soft light on the beach turning the saturated sand into silk contrasting the texture of the shells

And I think that the spiral shells work perfect in the overall composition of the images, the only problem I had was that each passerby couldn't help but stopping and collecting my shells from right in front of my lens.

Well, I feel that I accomplished my mission for the day, but I decided to set up for the sunset shot while the sun was heading for the horizon.

Lyla was enjoying the evening sun with Nicky and just as the sky lit up right before sunset...Lyla decided that this was the sunset for her first photograph!

Nicky and I noticed that Lyla is at that age now where she is really starting to pick up on her motor skills as she repeats motions and activities that she sees throughout the day

And it was amazing to see how careful and precise she is with everything that she does

After a quick lesson on composition
And one last look through the viewfinder...she managed to find the shutter button

...And now I have some competition!

DAY 5 - Lyla Consults Clyde Butcher for Photography Tips

On Sunday we stopped to see our friends Clyde and Niki Butcher at their Big Cypress Gallery in the heart of the Everglades. World renowned landscape and conservation photographer Clyde Butcher has been an inspiration of mine ever since I moved to Florida nearly 10 years ago.

I always enjoy listening to Clyde and Niki tell their journey on the road to success as travelling artists, using their photography of the Everglades to captivate and instill public awareness of Florida's delicate ecosystems surrounding us

After the talk we had the opportunity to chat with Niki and Clyde...

Lyla got a book signed by Clyde...

and asked him for a few photography tips...

And Lyla is officially worn out
I always wonder what is running through her little head after a big adventurous weekend like this one.

Thanks Uncle Tom, Aunt Diane, Nana, Nat and Gpa for the great time in Naples. We had a blast!

Let's do it again next year!

Stay tuned - for our April adventure to the Keys

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