Aug 21, 2010

Clarion River, Allegheny National Forest

Every year I take a four day canoe/camping trip down the Clarion River though the desolation of the Allegheny Mountains with friends and family. My dad and uncle began this annual tradition over 40 years ago. Although this annual trip is heavily weighted on fishing, I always pack my camera. We had a mix of sunshine and rain which offered a great variety of photography opportunities.

On the second day it rained all day but...

the rain let up momentarily on occasion giving me the opportunity to set up for some shots


On the second night we camped next to a small spring-fed tributary stream where I found some great photo opportunities

The thing that I love most about nature is its unpredictability.  I have been floating the Clarion River for over ten years, and every year I discover and capture new images.

Well, it was another great adventure through the Allegheny National Forest... I will be counting down the days until next year's river trip

1 comment:

  1. Brent,

    It looks like you guys had a great time. Sick pics!! You've got a eye for landscape.. Keep them coming!
