Jun 27, 2012

Lake Istokpoga and Highlands Hammock

Here we go on another adventure. I have been hearing great things about Highlands Hammock State Park in Sebring, FL and so we thought we would take a weekend trip to check it out. Since one of my favorite lakes - Lake Istokpoga is nearby, we decided to bring the boat along and catch an evening sunset on the lake.

We decided to take the journey after Lyla had her afternoon nap so we would all be in a good mood for the trip.
Well, she slept a bit longer than we anticipated, and although it usually takes her a bit to wake up all the way, she was very excited to see me and Nicky packing up!

Blanky and popsickle...Lyla is ready to go!

Now it is a race against the setting sun to make it to the lake in time for the sunset

And only one potty stop along the away!

We made it! But with only a half hour of light left

Lyla is very excited to be on the boat again, and even more excited to have her puppies with her.

Lyla takes her first look into Lake Istokpoga.
What a beautiful entrance into the lake!

Everyone is having a great time!
but Lyla is much more to handle now that she is much more mobile and adventurous
 Lake Istokpoga is a great lake for birdwatching
But they are are a little more difficult to catch than a lizard or bug Lyla...

And of course, sippy cups are no good compared to daddy's water bottle.

As we cruised the shoreline Lyla pointed out the trees that she wanted me to photograph
After cruising the shoreline a bit I decided it was time to find a place to set up for the sunset.
So off we go...
into the sunset
While Nicky and Lyla relaxed I began to search

Wait a second...Lyla relax?
Yes, I'm guilty...Lyla has mastered that "but daddy" look to talk me into trouble
And Lyla wins...back down to idle speed

Well, I ran out of time successfully finding some subject matter for the foreground of the sunset...
or so I thought...
Yep! this is our soon-to-be baby boys first adventure!!
We better get back to the ramp before the mosquitos come out
Nice! one last long exposure on our way to the ramp...but here come the mosquitos!

DAY 2 - Highlands Hammock State Park

So I decided to pass on the sunrise adventure and let everyone get a good sleep
Ok, everyone is up and ready for the next adventure!

Off we go to Highlands Hammock
Its been a while since we have taken a backpack adventure and it turns out we have two new travel companions
and Lyla decided that it was her baby's turn in the backpack first...
while she focused on taking pictures
well...at least my backpack is a lot lighter!

Into the hammock
Even though we were only 2 minutes into the hike, Lyla decided that it was time for her and baby lamb to take a rest
and check out the scenery
It was very peaceful here and the canopy was so dense that it felt as if we were in a rain forest
Back on the trail
It was at this moment Lyla turned back to me, and with the biggest smile said "daddy, I like this" Needless to say, I will cherish that moment forever!
We found some interesting cypress knee formations along the way

Uh oh...Lyla's little legs tired out
I think baby is going to have to give up her seat in the backpack, because this isnt going to work Lyla
much better!
but that didn't last long, Lyla is recharged after one minute and ready to walk again

Well, we made it out of the jungle and...
I swear, Lyla can spot these things from a mile away!

Time to go pick up the boat and head home
I think I successfully tired everyone out again!

Thanks for following our adventures